Friday, March 7, 2008

"Do you know who I am?"

Okay, so I know I've been on roll with semilegitimate posts about the primaries, but...

This entry is about why I love my friends. At Tufts, I have a few really, really close friends-- Meghan is one of them; we'll be living together next year. This is a gem from a little while ago. Disclaimer: Meghan's drunk, I'm sleepy, and the IMs don't necessarily reflect the views of either parfticipant...but they generally do. Also, excuse the misspellings, excessive laughing, all that.

Also, my computer is still on Chinese time[I go to Japan on Tuesday, so...I didnm't see the point of changing my clock]; the timestamps may say 3 pm, but it's actually 2 am or so because of the time difference.

Just, as a quick rule, subtract 1 from Chinese time and reverse the PM/AM.[So, in this case, 3 PM - 1 = 2pm, flipped pm/am = 2 am]

ETA: That was inappropriate. Sorry, but the IM has now been taken down.

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