Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It has been a quark minute.

Sorry, I know it's been a while and this isn't a real update.

I just wrote a poem in the last five minutes-- or at least something like a poem, or the start of one. I wanted to post it here.

I'm not especially proud of it-- I don't feel as if there's anything meta-level about it at all. It's all pretty rudimentary and straight forward.

I'm reading Kite Runner still, which is an amazing book. Perhaps a little too obsessed with anal rape? And the language isn't necessarily great-- I don't especially love the sentence structure or the word choice, but it makes me really emotional.

Kite Runner was pretty much the trigger for my writing-- there's bullying in the novel, which reminds me of my own fears, and...well, I don't like explaining my poems. Another reason was my friend Korey letting it slip that he doesn't like Asians all hanging together...just slight things that I try to ignore but that I need to do a better job addressing.

Anyway, I'll give more of a recap-like entry later-- maybe tomorrow or friday.

Cement traitors

What greater farce is there than to pretend to
be wealthy,
to clothe oneself in the fabrics of the first world
while having a soul of the third,
to pretend that we've somehow become beyond it all,
that my free ride in school somehow negates my poverty,
at least for four years?
that color blindness actually worked,
my skin doesn't seem so brown behind a brooks brothers polo
No greater sense of treason than
to damn hip hop,
to engage in apologetics,
to make excuses for "the bad ones"
-- we're not all like that,
you're right:
our culture is maladaptive,
it's self-destructive,
it's anti-intellectual,
it propagates the "we are victim" meme
and that'll never get us anywhere.

What greater farce...
on my own morality.

culture's privilege to
assimilate me
has been revoked.

1 comment:

fuzzy said...

THe poem was good enough! I liked it and appreciated it. I also agree with the overall poem!