Monday, December 27, 2010

I don't want to touch it.

So, I decided to read the Fountainhead. Not as quoteworthy as Atlas Shrugged so far, but there's one quote I wanted to get down before I continued, from Domonique Francon:

"You know, it's such a peculiar thing--our idea of mankind in general. We all
have a sort of vague, glowing picture when we say that, something solemn, big
and important. But actually all we know of it is the people we meet in our
lifetime. Look at them. Do you know any you'd feel big and solemn about? There's
nothing but housewives haggling at pushcarts, drooling brats who write dirty
words on the sidewalks, and drunken debutantes. Or their spiritual equivalent.
As a matter of fact, one can feel some respect for people when they suffer. They
have a certain dignity. But have you ever looked at them when they're enjoying
themselves? That's when you see the truth. Look at those who spend the money
they've slaved for--at amusement parks and side shows. Look at those who're rich
and have the whole world open to them. Observe what they pick out for enjoyment.
Watch them in the smarter speak-easies. That's your mankind in general. I don't
want to touch it."

Feels a little privileged, but the last sentences stuck out to me.

The Fountainhead is good, but I'm thinking that I've outgrown Rand. She's so heavy-handed and preachy that everything feels predictable, even if I do like her preaching. I wonder if I'd like Atlas Shrugged as much if I reread it.

Anyway, I'm only about 20% in, so I've got quite a ways to go. Expect a fuller entry later.

Hope everyone's having a good holiday!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I meant to say that part of the reason I like this song might have to do with my discovery that I am not entirely over my ex.

But that's a post for another time-- I should probably wait until I reestablish a reader base before I start whining about my screwy love life again, yes/yes?

Glad you agree.

Someone needs to do my Bankruptcy exam. Really.

I don't believe in studying

So, another idea I had while I was not thinking about Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code was that I should make blog entries about party ideas.

As a lifelong student of Top 40 music, gay party culture, whiskey and generally messiness, I think this might actually be a good idea.

This post was inspired by my love for Ke$ha's song, "The Harold Song." I normally don't pay Ke$ha much attention, though I do like much of her music-- one of the posters on ONTD described her as a troll in the music industry. Pretty accurate, actually: besides being white, she isn't rail thin or super toned, isn't incredibly attractive. She's just a messy white girl who sing-raps about melodrama and hard liquor: my type of girl.[Though, I do think some of her lyrics on the current album have been transphobic...I might have to do another post about that]

Anyway, I want to have a Ke$ha party. Her song, "The Harold Song" from Cannibal is downright addictive. Now, when I'm "studying", I like to have songs on repeat-- Taylor Swift is generally the unfortunate victim. Lady Gaga, Chiddy Bang, Rihanna, and Shakira have been other victims, so it's actually an honor.

The Harold Song is very different from Tik Tok/We R Who We R. It's more Katy Perry, I guess-- pseudo-introspective, full of youthful melancholy, etc. Maybe it's even like what I used to like about Gaga-- post-modern, tongue-in-cheek.[Except, I don't think Ke$ha pulls it off as well.] I'll post the lyrics at the end of the post.

Anyway, point is: I love this song. And I want to have a Ke$ha party but I'm not sure what that would entail. Animal prints? Glow in the dark face paint? Eagle feathers? None of that sounds very fun. I just want to put my hands up, do shots of tequila and pose for pictures with beautiful people. Can't wait until school is over.

Yes, that will be my Ke$ha party. I also have to think about locale. I don't think the fabulous people of Michigan will appreciate it, unfortunately. And I don't know how my mother feels about having a Ke$ha party at her house over break.

Maybe I'll coop someone's house. Sounds like a plan, Jan!

Okay, lyrics and back to pretending to study. GO!


I miss your soft lips. I miss your white sheets.
I miss the scratch of your un-shaved face on my cheek.
And this is so hard cause I didn't see
that you were the love of my life and it kills me.
I see your face in strangers on the street.
I still say your name when I'm talking in my sleep.
And in the limelight, I play it off fine.
But I can't handle it when I turn off my night light.
But I can't handle it when I turn off my night light.

They say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

The life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

Remember the time we jumped the fence when
the Stones were playing and we were too broke to get in.
You held my hand and then made me cry while
I swore to God it was the best night of my life.
Or when you took me across the world, we
promised that this will last forever but now I see.

It was my past life, a beautiful time
Drunk off of nothing but each other till the sun rise.
Drunk off of nothing but each other till the sun rise.

They say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

The life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

It was a past (he was a past life) life, a beautiful time.
Drunk off of nothing but each other till the sun rise. [Till the sun rise.]

They say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

The life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed.
Young love murder, that is what this must be.
I would give it all to not be sleeping alone.

I should be studying...

But, short break.

Hey guys. Just thought I'd showcase another reason why I'm a misanthrope.

The comments are from Queerty's entry on Cassidy here

Couple of things.

1. How delusional is commenter #6, Hank? Hip Hop no longer relevant-- have you looked at an album sales chart? A singles chart? Even as I type, 2 of the top ten albums are Hip Hop albums.[3 if we count Black Eyed Peas]

Also, conflation of hip hop and increased risk of death...classy.

2. Commenter #8, 2 Cents, equally or more delusional than Hank. Baseless conclusions about hip hop audiences[I should really make a critical post on Radiohead/Led Zeppelin/Pink Floyd, honestly; some of the dumbest drones I know rattle them off whenever talking about their favorites].

Clearly, this person has also been listening to too much conservative talk radio and not enough hip hop. Gang bangs? Victim mentality? Popular hip hop, not so much.

And LOL @ coming at the legitimacy of sampling as an art form. And what should they be doing, getting inspiration from older guitar riffs?

Sit the fuck down.

Now, as a troll who's been wreaking havoc on the internet since dialup, I understand the "Idungiveafuk" mentality people get when their fingers hit the keys, but I guess as I get older, I get more critical of these sorts of views.

Honestly, I think what bothers me more is that the posters are probably white, probably gay, probably "liberal" and incredibly annoying. Posters like Tweedledee and Tweedledum are rife throughout the internet spouting their nonsensical opinions based on poorly formed arguments. Yawn yawn. Exactly why gossip blogs and I have such a love-hate-but-mainly-hate relationship.

Honestly, maybe I should do this more often.

Anyway, I should get to Bankruptcy law at some point...ugh.

I dreamt about making this blog updated-on-the-daily. Haha. Maybe I will when school's done. Maybe.

Hope everything's going well! If anyone still reads this thing?