Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I should be studying...

But, short break.

Hey guys. Just thought I'd showcase another reason why I'm a misanthrope.

The comments are from Queerty's entry on Cassidy here

Couple of things.

1. How delusional is commenter #6, Hank? Hip Hop no longer relevant-- have you looked at an album sales chart? A singles chart? Even as I type, 2 of the top ten albums are Hip Hop albums.[3 if we count Black Eyed Peas]

Also, conflation of hip hop and increased risk of death...classy.

2. Commenter #8, 2 Cents, equally or more delusional than Hank. Baseless conclusions about hip hop audiences[I should really make a critical post on Radiohead/Led Zeppelin/Pink Floyd, honestly; some of the dumbest drones I know rattle them off whenever talking about their favorites].

Clearly, this person has also been listening to too much conservative talk radio and not enough hip hop. Gang bangs? Victim mentality? Popular hip hop, not so much.

And LOL @ coming at the legitimacy of sampling as an art form. And what should they be doing, getting inspiration from older guitar riffs?

Sit the fuck down.

Now, as a troll who's been wreaking havoc on the internet since dialup, I understand the "Idungiveafuk" mentality people get when their fingers hit the keys, but I guess as I get older, I get more critical of these sorts of views.

Honestly, I think what bothers me more is that the posters are probably white, probably gay, probably "liberal" and incredibly annoying. Posters like Tweedledee and Tweedledum are rife throughout the internet spouting their nonsensical opinions based on poorly formed arguments. Yawn yawn. Exactly why gossip blogs and I have such a love-hate-but-mainly-hate relationship.

Honestly, maybe I should do this more often.

Anyway, I should get to Bankruptcy law at some point...ugh.

I dreamt about making this blog updated-on-the-daily. Haha. Maybe I will when school's done. Maybe.

Hope everything's going well! If anyone still reads this thing?

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