Thursday, July 14, 2011

Find Your Love.

A friend reminded me that I used to be a blogger and I should get back into it. Thanks, Colton!

I want to apologize. With work for the summer, twitter, and my petty relationship/school drama, things get so hectic.

So, I thought about what to blog about and what to even title this thing. There's Casey Anthony. There's general thoughts on business models that I want to try out.[It's interesting. At this point, I feel as if I'm either going to follow the traditional law firm model or I'm going to try to do something crazy, like become a writer or start a business. Sink or swim.]

And then I thought about this. The meds won for this entry.

Now, I may not have explained this before, but I used to do HIV prevention at a Boston non-profit organization for men of color-- primarily, Black & Latino men who have sex with men. It was interesting time. Being a gay Black man myself, I stay on top of updates in the HIV prevention field.

So, recently, there's been news about antiretroviral medication used to treat HIV can be taken by uninfected people who are exposed to HIV during sex to reduce infection risk by as high as 73% for hetereosexuals and up to 90% for men who have sex with men. This is a huge finding.

Now, to get a little personal: I just got an HIV test yesterday. I generally like to get tested once a quarter, just to stay on top of things, but the general recommendation is once a year. Get tested! It's important.

And, anyway, if these studies are accurate, I can only imagine how this is going to change the prevention field.

So, read the link, etc.

Hope everyone is doing well. Might do a more personal post in the near future, but I'm clearly an inconsistent writer. Would you hold it against me? ;).

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