Thursday, July 26, 2007

Placebo always told me being worse than Special K was a good thing.

One day, I'm really going to have to make an incredibly long entry explaining my self-worth being tied up with certain drug-addicts/alcoholics.

I think I just have happened to know some people with bad habits and I've admired them for various reasons[courage, creativity, what have you.] My Beatnik phase comes to mind.[Oh, Kerouac, you'll always have a place in my bleeding heart.]

It may be my worst habit-- admiring the destructive. Hopefully I'm leaving those and my teenage years behind.

Maybe I'll discuss this in more detail at another time, if I'm up for the rant.


It's 5:44 A.M. in Jersey and I am feeling absolutely CRAZY, honest-and-courageous crazy. It's almost like my [over]confidence has come back from the dead.

I think my money situation has something to do with it. I've been unemployed for the first Summer of my life and my ego has been dragged through some mud.

It's not like I've ever known true wealth, but I HATE not having spending money-- not even having the money to buy a book or go to the movies. Matters are only made worse when people want to go places all the damn time-- I know, it's Summer, let's be young and get drunk.[Saddest joke ever: an alcoholic drink hasn't passed my lips in over a month, maybe even two. Probably two.]

So, bottom line, not having money MAKES ME SAD. Watch, one day I'm gonna plot a cubic function to explain my crazy temperments-- stay tuned. Money is a pretty important variable in the Steven Function.

So, I ran into some-- school refund, omgyay. I love it when being poor actually works to my advantage. It's not a lot, but I have enough to pay off all of my credit card bills[of which my mom actually has to pay some, since some of them weren't actually my charges], I'll have a sum to take with me to China.[!!!!!!, SO SOON!] Plus, we get a stipend, and I will be using my black ingenuity to get a job.[Lolz, despite the shade of my skin, I can actually turn off the ebonics and speak proper English, Mr. Wang. Please entrust your English grammar and such'a thangs to me.]

Oh, and I've still gotta turn in the rebate for my hard drive.

There's so much to say, so much to say, so little time-- my eyes are getting droopy, finally, so. I guess I'll do a parte deux tomorrow-- but I think I'm supposed to have plans. Hm.

Harry Potter. Braces, coming off August 1st. Started working out again.[Lollerskates.] AND I WANNA PLAY BASKETBALL.

The basketball bit deserves a whole post by itself. Considering I have not played basketball since like....high school gym class, and I hated every minute of when we had to play.[Wow, so obviously homo.]

I really regret not doing a sport. I wanted to do track this year...oops.[Plus, my diet is so undisciplined. Cheeseburgers + pizzas all day, e'ryday.]

Alright, I seriously am dozing at the keyboard.

Later, taters.


jack's invisible m.e. said...

so are you all set to go to China?

and i demand pictures of your gorgeous smile on facebook! yay!

miss you!

That Ambiguous Look In Your Eye said...

word, you wanna play basketball? you know there's a nice court on garfield. i think you'd be a really good three point shooter. do they have basketball in china?

fuzzy said...

yes can we get a before and after shot? that would be an real ego booster for you...

Sidenote: Not having money sucks especially when you want to spend money. differest things come up and you have to sit on the side. Patience brotha! I been there and gone through that. You'll be fine. oh as for the sport thing lay off the cheeseburgers and pizza and eat a veggie wrap!