Saturday, June 23, 2007

Boulders on my black body.

I just received an email about a discriminatory act towards homosexuals that happened in Newark, NJ. I actually wasn't very moved by this, but...

The eMail did have nice buttons about taking action and stuff, and I can at least recognize what's wrong[even if it doesn't actually get me fired up].

The Article:

UNACCEPTABLE! Newark school district removes same-sex photo from high school yearbook

As reported in today's Star-Ledger, Newark school officials, just before distributing yearbooks to students at East Side High School, took magic markers to cover up a yearbook photo of an 18-year-old graduating senior kissing his boyfriend. The school district says the photo was "illicit" -- but that's homophobic nonsense! First, the photo is of two guys kissing and nothing more. Secondly, the school district DID NOT TOUCH THE PHOTOS OF STRAIGHT STUDENTS KISSING THEIR OPPOSITE-SEX BOYFRIENDS AND GIRLFRIENDS.

This is outrageous! Write to Newark schools superintendent Marion Bolden asking her to redistribute the yearbooks without the photo covered up -- and demand that she publicly apologize to the student, his boyfriend and the LGBTI community. The school district's action shows incredible insensitivity and intolerance. We must reverse it.


Participate if you want-- all it requires is a few minutes. Worst thing that might happen is you being put on an eMail list.

[Wow, I think I felt my halo tingle.]


fuzzy said...
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fuzzy said...

hmmm These are the days of OUR lives! I wanna see how this will unfold...

::Otulp:: said...

steve im sad.. dont go to india errr wherever it is youre leaving me for

(ps. kelzo is a LOCK. make sure you sne dthat proxy form so you can dibs on the besssst room in sofier)