Sunday, August 24, 2008

This just in: bodybuilders from Uranus are CRAZY

I'm running for dictator of Asia.

Vote for me.

I'm also really awesome with chopsticks.

[Yes...this post is really about nothing.]
Meeting Perris in a minute.
Sort of feeling angry and in charge. I'm really taking this reinvention of myself seriously. Starting with clothes at first.
Part of me wonders if this is because of Jeremy, if I actually want to *be* him. I talked about wearing suits and stuff before but I'm definitely moving faster because of him.
I want this cute suit from Zara[I saw it in Japan, actually, but I decided to get my 5351 suit instead, pictured in the first photo]and I want a Blackberry. I will be getting both. Just don't know when.
I cannot WAIT to get a job. I'm tired of being poor.

I suppose I'm making my transition back into a fashion queer? Whatever. Either I'm splurging on this or I'm getting new tech gadgests/a new computer. Consumption's consumption.

Sorry, another substance-less post again. I'll write real prose soon-- PROMISE.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Debunking creationism, in Croatian

I need to move out.
And I'm tired of being gay, at the moment.

That's a good way to start.

Hey y'all. This is my delayed coming back to America post. I'm sort of pressed for time at the moment-- Jersey City Pride soon and whatnot, but I figured I should make a few bullets on what post-Japan's been like.

Flew into JFK in NY last Tuesday. I suppose it's been over a week now.
Jetlag was horrible. Took me a long time to get over it.
I haven't been up to much. Reading. Not studying for LSATs.
Went to Bookoff in NYC, finally-- a second-hand Japanese bookstore. Picked up some comic books.
Have been hanging out with my bicurious and cute galpals, Genna and Kazumi.

I was seeing them quite a bit last week. Went with them to a gay club, Rush. Didn't really enjoy it. Either I needed to be drunker or something else, but. I guess in general I feel really disconnected from club kids.

I had this plan, which I don't think I wrote in my blog, after my experience in China and Japan. That I would be more antisocial, less hopeful-- and by less hopeful, I don't mean that in any actual sense, I guess. I suppose what I mean is that instead of a sort of wide-eyed and expectant attitude, praying with every breath that I'll meet someone great, not necessarily someone I'm romantically interested in, but great nonetheless. Instead of having that sort of attitude, I would, doing things that I do, sticking with my routine, work, work, work.

So, I guess not really antisocial at all.

Anyway, after the club, I met Jeremy, who's interesting. We're friends, who have hooked up a few times? I don't really know what to call it. He says 'friends', I say 'friends' for lack of a better term. I'm not really good with this sort of thing-- I didn't even realize that dating and being someone's boy/girlfriend weren't the same until...maybe two or three years ago?

I also met Steven yesterday, and a bunch of his friends. Pretty interesting. I'm pretty sure I came off boring, though. Sorry! Haha.

Also went to the pier on Christopher Street for the first time. Was pretty interesting.

"Interesting" is an adjective I like, nowadays.

I suppose I should shower. I'll try to come back and write something with a little substance later.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Red soil, blue skies.

Thanks to a kick from Colton, I'm writing a short post.

Sorry I've been MIA. I haven't really had an internet connection for a while. Just flew back into NY about a few hours ago. Looooong flight.

I'll try to write something later. I'm tired and jet-lagged.
