Friday, October 3, 2008

Mighty Mothers from Berkshire

I've been playing "Let's get lifted" from John Legend on repeat for a minute.

Let's see, let's see. What's been up? A few things, I guess.

Hand definitely not broken. Thank goodness. In fact, I think I intended it, in some way, to be an analogy to my heart...when my fist heals, the heart will follow. Maybe? If only.

That seemed a lot less cheesy in my head.

Anyway, most of the swelling is already down and I can clench my fist now and put my hand into my pocket without feeling too much pain. Give it a few more days, I suppose.

I've been trying to keep myself busy and keep moving, and most importantly keep myself from being alone in my room. I'd just let myself fall into this self-pitying sense of grief and not get anything done.

And what I need to do is just move, move, move.

So. I had my paper due yesterday. Saw my Japanese advisor for a few minutes, since I had class/work. She left today and I didn't even get to say goodbye. Unfortunately.

My Thai friend from Japan is apparently in NY and won't be in Boston until Monday, which was majorly disappointing! This girl and I were great friends, so it'll be nice to see her again.

Bigger news!

I think I mentioned the MOCAA job that I applied for-- they called me in for an interview on Wednesday, which was held this morning. Got the job. And apparently I'm getting paid even more than I expected because of my experience, I guess-- instead of $12 an hour, it's $15.

...Do you know how much clothes I can buy with that kind of money!?

So, I'm walking back from the interview to the train station, holding my eyes from the sun, trying to figure out if my excitement was overpowering my broken-heart or what. All the while, doing the math.

[MOCAA]15 x 12 + [Tufts Financial Aid]8.5 x 7 = 180+59.5 = 239.5 a week. Well...taxes I guess, but whatever. And apparently MOCAA's gonna pay me on a stipend for three months until I'm done with my trial period, so. No taxes for that.

Yeah, y'all can be privy to my measly part-time income details, I guess.

Anyway, so many clothes, shoes, coats...all these material things I can use to distract me.

I also took out a lot of books from the library. Hopefully I can read them all.

I've got:

-Water for Elephants
-Lord of the Flies
-The Fountainhead
-Age of Aquarius

And then two books on managing nonprofits, just because.

What else. Today was the career fair here at Tufts, which I went to. Lot of engineering I did connect with this woman from the Department of State about foreign service, and she wanted me to email her about grad school fellowships. Definitely interested in going to grad school for free, haha.

Just got back from dinner with some kids who went to China. It was a lot of fun-- I miss China so much that I guess anything that reminds me of that time is cool. Most of the kids I was with went on different programs, though, so I was meeting them for the first time. We had Sichuan style food[Sichuan is where the earthquake was...if that helps], which is notoriously spicy. Wasn't that bad, though.

I can't decide if I want to go out tonight. I can already tell I won't enjoy it but I also feel as if drinking would really help right about now.

It's either that or I read/study. On a Friday night. Could happen.

Tomorrow, I think I'll go to Newbury St., I invited my suite mates. Time to splurge.

Nothing like clothes.
Gotta move, move, move, MOVE. song. "Everything's just wonderful", Lily Allen.


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