Saturday, January 13, 2007

There's a robbery going on.


I was trying to think of how this blog is going to be different from my livejournal, but I could not come up with a sufficient answer. I know the shortest answer is usually the best one, and the shortest thing seems to be that this blog isn't going to be nearly as whiny. But my lj wasn't that whiny either, recently anyway, so...

Rather than saying what this blog will and won't be, I guess I'll just sketch out a few tagwords for my identities and go from there.

Catholic. Black. Poor. Gay. Student. Short. Urban. Independent. Issue-conscious-but-a-bad-activist. Stepper. Language-lover.

In that order.

"Que chevere ser el juggernaut."

1 comment:

Grapie said...

Well it seems like the difference between this and your livejournal is this seems more reflective? Reading this reminds me of the good ole days when we used to RP and be anime/manga freakazoids. I read over it and I think "hey I remember when he told me about that." You could maybe use this as a way to tell things to people you otherwise wouldn't? I like reading stories about you when you were a little chocolate man. :) Oh yeah and I got accepted into Old Dominion University, it's about a half hour away. (Daniel goes to school there)