Sunday, January 14, 2007

What does 'olashorty' mean, anyway? Also, Stomp the Yard.

It occurred to me that the username may seem arbitrary.

When I was little, the superintendent had an assistant, whose name I can't remember at the moment. Phil? Probably not.

Anyway, he was Honduran, and he was cool, and this is back when I knew very little about my father and whatnot. One day, we were talking about my background for some reason[which was unknown to me, on papa's side], and he guessed that I was Honduran, like him. And he was right, as I found out years later-- my father is/was Honduran.

Other than that, he was just a really cool guy. And whenever he saw me, he'd say, 'hola, shorty'. I think I'd laugh or something in response-- I was/am this really goofy kid and I laugh[ed] a lot. So, flash forward some years when I was in 8th grade, after getting my first computer[go Sears raffles!]. I got an internet connection with AOL a bit later, and when it came to making up a username, holashorty was taken.[And, still is taken to this day; IF YOU ARE READING THIS, 'holashorty', I WANT THAT USERNAME.] So, I took olashorty instead.

Pretty much everything I use is olashorty, default.[except my AIM, ironically]

Just in case you were curious.

So, as a bit of daily juice, I saw Stomp the Yard. It was really good, definitely liked it. I knew Chris Brown was gonna die beforehand because someone told me, but damn. He lasted like, what, fifteen minutes? And then, he only had one or two flashbacks. Still, he was cute for all fifteen minutes.

I mean, it was a little too much breakdance for my liking, and some of the girls were kinda freakish. Nice abs, though. I assumed it'd be more step, not that it wasn't, but the breakdancing was definitely...there.

So, a few things I learned from this movie.

1. the lead actor, whatever the hell his name is? hot. I think I may have a new idol; watch out, Jensen Atwood.
2. I definitely need to up the ante on the whole healthy foods and workout program.
3. Get...more hyped before our performances.

Oh, right, I'm on the step team at Tufts U., Blackout. There're some videos on youtube. Anyway, if anything, I guess I'm just not all about this 'brotherhood' stuff all the time, but I don't know why. Maybe I'll work on it.

I think I also decided that I'm gonna make an entry for each of my identity keywords that I put out in my first post. That oughta get some content on here.

"It's OVAH."

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