Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Get your life together. You have twenty-four hours."

The tagline is exactly how I feel.

I was going through facebook and reliving everything that's happened over the past year. In doing so, I guess I started to remember everything I was supposed to be doing this year. My conflicted feelings over where I want to be-- China, Japan, America, Argentina. And I don't feel any closer to knowing than I was months ago.

It also turns out that a boy I tutored in China, Cyrus, is here in Boston! Which is utterly ridiculous. Well, the boy does have loads of money, so I never thought the opportunity would be an issue. But he was supposed to be doing his internship in Shanghai...yet he's already here!

I really have to go see him as soon as possible but Bank of America has refused to post my pay-check deposit so...we'll have to wait. 'Cause, when you meet up with Chinese people in your own country, you have to treat them and stuff...gotta make sure I have my financial situation together.

But back to the confusion. I really need to keep my options open. I really should be making sure my Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese are in as good a shape as they can be...and they're not, because I don't do more than what's required. So I will be studying all day today.

I also need to get to prepping for LSATs. A friend of mine got her results back and they were not good. I've been hiding from them-- hiding from everything, really, but the LSATs are the biggest. GREs are second. I will be downloading a prepbook today.

Luckily it's still early. Maybe I can get some studying done this morning before I have to do my homework.

And boy, is there homework.
--Poli Sci paper
--finish reading Haruki Murakami and making up questions[Japanese]
--prep for & take Chinese [take home] test and read the next short story
--chunks of philosophy reading & discussion board posting
--catch up in reading for my anime class

The last one might be negotiable.

Feeling really motivated, but I know how my brain works-- I'll forget soon.

And...the Velvet Rope is amazing.


Grapie said...

Bank of America sucks, but if you deposit your paycheck in an ATM it gets deposited automatically and you can start spending. I know, I don't get it either, but I gotta get paid son.

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Next time I come to Boston you better treat me! No McDonald's this time, haha.

I feel you on the language thing. I might stop Spanish just because I have no interest in it whatsoever, I think unless I'm learning a new alphabet I can't get into a language. I started studying Arabic, I think I might want to take that up. I'd do Chinese but combined with Japanese I assume each kanji would have multiple readings and that's some bull, yo.

Grapie said...

I beat Darius to comment.

Ha! In your face guy that usually posts before me!

Darius T. Williams said...

Look at you - have a lot going on - and very ambitious. I hope it all works out for you!

Darius T. Williams said...

LOL @ Grapie!

Grapie said...

P.S. I Get Lonely= da bomb. I hit that shit on repeat so many times at the gym.

Anonymous said...

OMG Steven,

You want to know how silly I am? I thought to get into law school I just needed a great ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT! Then, I found out I had to take the LSAT. I thought I took the LSAT as a component to the bar exam!

What are you studying in Law school? Law, obviously. But are you concentrating in any type of law in particular?