Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reification & Overtures

I was really trying to put this blog on hiatus. In fact, it was a larger move of taking myself off of the internet altogether-- no more AIM, facebook, what have you.

I ultimately decided against it but...I do want to be online less.

Except for blogging.

Anyway, some things have happened in the past two weeks. The main thing is my constant stock of wine. Nowadays, I just chill around listening to Sylvain Chauveau and Janet Jackson[The Velvet Rope]. Drinking wine, relaxing, being boring. And shopping, of course.

Paycheck this Friday...hallelujah.

Had a slight altercation today with the Chinese department head today. It was hilarious. Over an eMail I sent her.

It is as follows:


My name is Steven ******; I'm a senior at Tufts. I'm doing an independent study right now
with Li laoshi, but it's come to my attention that I'm enrolled in your section of the
independent study on SIS. I left a drop form in your box outside your door-- I was
wondering if you could sign your name on the drop section of the form? That way I can fix
everything up on SIS.

Thanks for your time.

Steven ******

She never responds. So I get to her office, just thinking I'll pick up the form and bounce. Instead...I get there and she proceeds to go into lecture mode.

"Why didn't you fill it out?"
"I suppose it slipped my mind. I figured I'd explain everything in the eMail."

And then she replied with some nonsense about how wrong I was for not filling it out beforehand. Fine, woman, sorry.

But then she's apparently not done-- the tone of my eMail was improper conduct. Um, what?

"As a student in an advanced level Chinese class, you should really know this sort of thing regarding Chinese culture-- you don't address a professor with 'Hi', much less once you've never met. Don't think I'm singling you out-- I had to do this with someone else the other day. But it's really disrespectful to do you understand what I mean?"
"Sure. I apologize for the disrespectful tone of my eMail."
"No, you don't really get it-- it's about Chinese culture, blah blah blah."


I just wanted to laugh in her face.
She was trying it. I really didn't have time for her bullshit-- I planned on just picking up the drop form, running to work. Instead...she kept me for ten minutes and made me late to admonish me on my inadequate understanding of Chinese culture.

I really couldn't believe it. For one, we've met before, albeit briefly. Two, I've eMailed professors with "Hi" before, including professors I'd yet to meet. This is the first time I've been told how grand a show of disrespect it is.

Or perhaps it's that "you don't interact with Chinese professors that way" BS.

Then she disbelieved that I was taking the Chinese class with Li laoshi, that she didn't think I was actually registered in her own section in the first place, and just unnecessary acrobatics.

I was this close to dismissing her immediately. And when I say "this", I'm pinching my index finger and my thumb together very close.

So she eventually signed my form-- I said a quick thank you and shut her door.
If I ever see that woman, it will be too soon.

Unnecessary bullshit.

Otherwise, things have been great.
I just made quesadillas.
And now I might try to study.



Darius T. Williams said...

Quesadillas? Do you have pico de gallo or chipotle sour cream to go with them? Where are the pics?

I'm sooo glad you didn't close this blog.

This makes me happy!

Tales from a Juggernaut said...

Boy, kaboom...

you know I'm not a real cook.

When I get back home, you need to school me.


In between your men, I mean.

Anonymous said...

LOL, the funny thing is I was reading the email you sent to her, and in my mind I was thinking, "I could never get away with sending an email like this to anyone at this school." It's not so much that is was disrespectful, just a bit informal.

I'm on your side, don't kill me!