Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cauliflower dreamer.

I'm at work, but 'work' is never actually a big thing

One thing I haven't mentioned is that I'm a real prolific dreamer.

Like, I just have really...weird dreams, all the time. I think it's the food I eat.

I had these weird nightmares last week that I was getting raped by my best friend[who's female, which makes it even weirder] and it was just so freaky. I remember waking up angry as hell.

But I don't want to go into too much detail on that.

Anyway, in the dream I had last night, I came home from school and my mother had converted to becoming a Jehovah's Witness. She didn't act like a real Jehovah's Witness, though-- she just acted like she was in a cult. Suddenly we couldn't eat this, and I couldn't do that-- and I remember just telling her that the whole thing was BS[no offense to any actual JWs out there-- it wasn't really an accurate depiction in my dream anyway]. We kept arguing and I kept throwing away her little JW trinkets and eventually her 'leader' type guy came over to our house for a true JW dinner. And it was juice and some Glazed donuts. And, for some reason I was really hungry, so I was fiending for my donut.

But, when I went to get it from the refrigerator, the leader guy just told me how I was making the home environment uncomfortable for a new convert like my mother, and that I was some heathen who was converting her from the path of righteousness, or something like that. And then we got into it. Eventually I said, "I just want my freakin' donut", and he told me that I didn't deserve the whole thing and only gave me a slice of it. I got really heated after that. When he left, I tried to eat the rest, and my mother and I got into it. So I called over my aunt and my cousins. I was just, like, "You are being brainwashed! Y'know, religion is important, so if you wanna throw your soul away then I don't even know if we should live together."

And then she kicked me out. And my uncle did some shady hustling stuff.

Sorry, me telling it is wordy to the max, but it was so weird as it happened. Especially since the only reason I woke up was because my mom called-- I was almost just about to say, "Why did you become a Jehovah's Witness!?!?"

So bizarre. I love Jehovah's Witnesses, =P

1 comment:

j_shanlin said...

LMAO!! You are crazy as all hell..I'm mad at how he told you that you didn't deserve the whole donut, so he only gave you a piece...LMAO!!!! I had a dream yesterday that LL Cool J raped me, but I was