Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fort Dix and Candlesticks.

I couldn't help feeling guilty about not having any new words lately. If there's anything that's important, it's a strong vocabulary.

So, I'm going to make up for everything with two new words.

descry - to see or catch sight of, often from a distance, as in: When I descry the island, I'll shout, "Land Ho!"

gainsay - challenge: take exception to; "She challenged his claims"

Ah, relief.

Otherwise, I don't actually have much to say-- I'm just trying to put out more entries more often. I went "driving" today with my grandparents, which really means I practiced parking. I was a lot better today with the parallel parking thing-- I'd like to say it's because I get it more, but I really don't think it is. Like, I'm not really noticing anything specific about how to park accurately. My grandparents have just given me instructions so often that I can hear my grandfather's voice in my head when I'm nearing a certain point, so I just start turning the wheel.

Not sure if that's gonna hurt me in the long run, haha. Definitely need to read through the driver's manual again.

Otherwise, today was a pretty good father's day. Went with my mom last night to get my grandfather some shirts, rode bikes with my aunt for a little while, took a trip down memory lane with my grandparents. "Man, y'all kids have it easy...back when we were young, we used to ride the mules and milk the cows and all that...and y'all don't know what real plums taste like, down in the South they just come so sweet..." and so on. It's pretty funny.

But I guess I was wondering-- my mom and my aunt were getting on me for not getting my mother anything for Father's day. Since my mother's done the parenting thing by herself, they were saying that she's both my mother and my father. I find that kinda bogus-- she's a super-mother, not my father. Anyway, I was just wondering what other people's takes might be-- not necessarily in regards to father's day, but your opinion on a mother's ability to serve as a father, or whatever.

I'm kinda tired, so I may hit the hay. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.

[And I still haven't seen Fantastic Four! I've even seen that Ocean's 13 mess. WHY must I see all of these sequels without having seen the originals? Urgh splat.]

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